Wednesday, May 5, 2010

..:: BK for a day ::..

I lucked out with this post tonight - I remember thinking "Today is a day I want to remember right". So the first half of this post is from my last Saturday in NYC - which was actually spent on an AMAZING day in Brooklyn (BK) with Karl and Erik and David O and Minera :) But I'll let the voice from the past take over... (OH and there is a day overlap so I actually talk about Friday twice but this is probably a better memory of it so I left it for you) also here is a picture of my vantage point where I wrote this first part - at the foot of the Standard Hotel before I ate there for dinner

Well if I was already feeling sad about only having one week left in the city… this weekend sure didn’t help… Friday was a beautiful day in the city so after work I decided to wander around the west village looking like a lost tourist. I wanted to make sure I ate somewhere outside so karl suggested eating at da silvano which is apparently the ivy of new york. It was a delicious meal – but celebrity free…I guess no one tipped off the paparazzi that I would be there either. I wandered around some more after dinner, found the peoples revolution office (no Kelly or Whitney however) and grabed a tiramisu – which was I’ve been craving for sometime – and cappuccino at a little cafĂ©. The night ended kind of early but Saturday was a big day and I figured I should get rested.

Saturday again was beautiful – sunny and 22C – and that was the day karl, his brother Erik, David O and his girlfriend had planned to take me around Brooklyn for a tour. It was one of my favorite days. Not only was it actually kind of hot out, it was a super fun and I ended up seeing most of BK. We started off in Dumbo, then walked some of the promenade then up to Brooklyn heights. We ate at juniors which I guess is a BK staple – and I have to say that I don’t think I have every had bacon that crispy (in my BLT) it was so so perfect. While we were in one of the stores karl asked if I wanted to go and see the projects LOL I of course said yes – because I figured I wouldn’t get another chance to see them… ever. Karl assured me we wouldn’t be shot at so we hopped into Minerva’s beauty Volvo SUV, cranked some notorious BIG and were off. I got to see Prospect Park along the way which is basically the Central Park of BK... they didn’t even have to tell me when we got to the ghetto – it was serious. Any assumptions you have about that place are pretty much true – AND david o said what we saw was better than it used to be.

(original post ends... memory begins..)

After the ghetto we did some more driving around and then they decided to show me the "community" which is basically a jewish village in BK. They kept laughing at me because I must have had my jaw dropped for most of the day - a little culture shock for a girl from Southwestern Ontario LOL Here's a LINK to give you an idea about what the "community" entails... (this video was shot in Herald Square - which was basically my neighbourhood - I actually saw this parade when I went out for lunch that day..)

So when we all started to get hungry Karl suggested we eat at his favorite place from around where he used to live - it was an Afghani restaurant called BAHAR... now here is where I have to pause the story and tell you two hilarious inside jokes that came out of this day. ONE - when we were walking along the promenade this guy had a huge gross sneeze, didn't shield the spray in anyway and the sun illuminated it just perfectly - so needless to say we were all grossed out. But something must have been in the air because right after that one of us (I forget who) sneezed and I said "PROMENADE" so that one cracked us up for the rest of the day LOL. TWO - as we were pulling up to the restaurant for dinner I said something about needing something so 'bahar' aka 'bad'(used in a sentence - I need to go to the bathroom so bahar ). So that set us off again :) So back to the story.. afghani food was delicious!!! I had a lamb kebab with yellow rice and this white sauce that was like a cross between tzaziki and somthing... LOL whatever it actually was the table basically polished off the whole thing.

After dinner it was pretty late and we were all getting tired so Minera dropped me off with Karl and Erik at their place - which is basically the quintessential Brooklyn apartment, seriously amazing (also down the street from Michelle Williams and Mathilda's house...NDB). Karl and Erik took me down to a little neighbourhood bar that was really cute and where The WOnderfactory had had a christmas party - the only problem was the rude service which was a shame because it didn't match the space at all. After a quick beer, they showed me how to get the subway home and my amazing day in BK had come to an end :)