Monday, February 14, 2011

One Year Later

WOW. I still remember exactly how I felt packing up my parents car. I still remember the instant I saw the lights of the city. I still remember waking up the first morning, sun shining in the city of my dreams. I don't think I'll ever forget those moments - how could I though? Being in New York for those six weeks was literally my dream come true. Every single day I made sure not to take any moment for granted. Re-reading this blog today obviously was sad, but also really positive because it reminded me of what is possible when you want something bad enough.

One year later. How do you even follow up the biggest accomplishment in your life? Sometimes it's disheartening to think about where I am now compared to where I was one year ago. But all I can keep doing is moving forward knowing that I can do anything I set my mind to - seriously. So, on to the next adventure. Who knows where this year will bring me - hopefully...right back to New York.