Monday, February 14, 2011

One Year Later

WOW. I still remember exactly how I felt packing up my parents car. I still remember the instant I saw the lights of the city. I still remember waking up the first morning, sun shining in the city of my dreams. I don't think I'll ever forget those moments - how could I though? Being in New York for those six weeks was literally my dream come true. Every single day I made sure not to take any moment for granted. Re-reading this blog today obviously was sad, but also really positive because it reminded me of what is possible when you want something bad enough.

One year later. How do you even follow up the biggest accomplishment in your life? Sometimes it's disheartening to think about where I am now compared to where I was one year ago. But all I can keep doing is moving forward knowing that I can do anything I set my mind to - seriously. So, on to the next adventure. Who knows where this year will bring me - hopefully...right back to New York.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

..:: BK for a day ::..

I lucked out with this post tonight - I remember thinking "Today is a day I want to remember right". So the first half of this post is from my last Saturday in NYC - which was actually spent on an AMAZING day in Brooklyn (BK) with Karl and Erik and David O and Minera :) But I'll let the voice from the past take over... (OH and there is a day overlap so I actually talk about Friday twice but this is probably a better memory of it so I left it for you) also here is a picture of my vantage point where I wrote this first part - at the foot of the Standard Hotel before I ate there for dinner

Well if I was already feeling sad about only having one week left in the city… this weekend sure didn’t help… Friday was a beautiful day in the city so after work I decided to wander around the west village looking like a lost tourist. I wanted to make sure I ate somewhere outside so karl suggested eating at da silvano which is apparently the ivy of new york. It was a delicious meal – but celebrity free…I guess no one tipped off the paparazzi that I would be there either. I wandered around some more after dinner, found the peoples revolution office (no Kelly or Whitney however) and grabed a tiramisu – which was I’ve been craving for sometime – and cappuccino at a little café. The night ended kind of early but Saturday was a big day and I figured I should get rested.

Saturday again was beautiful – sunny and 22C – and that was the day karl, his brother Erik, David O and his girlfriend had planned to take me around Brooklyn for a tour. It was one of my favorite days. Not only was it actually kind of hot out, it was a super fun and I ended up seeing most of BK. We started off in Dumbo, then walked some of the promenade then up to Brooklyn heights. We ate at juniors which I guess is a BK staple – and I have to say that I don’t think I have every had bacon that crispy (in my BLT) it was so so perfect. While we were in one of the stores karl asked if I wanted to go and see the projects LOL I of course said yes – because I figured I wouldn’t get another chance to see them… ever. Karl assured me we wouldn’t be shot at so we hopped into Minerva’s beauty Volvo SUV, cranked some notorious BIG and were off. I got to see Prospect Park along the way which is basically the Central Park of BK... they didn’t even have to tell me when we got to the ghetto – it was serious. Any assumptions you have about that place are pretty much true – AND david o said what we saw was better than it used to be.

(original post ends... memory begins..)

After the ghetto we did some more driving around and then they decided to show me the "community" which is basically a jewish village in BK. They kept laughing at me because I must have had my jaw dropped for most of the day - a little culture shock for a girl from Southwestern Ontario LOL Here's a LINK to give you an idea about what the "community" entails... (this video was shot in Herald Square - which was basically my neighbourhood - I actually saw this parade when I went out for lunch that day..)

So when we all started to get hungry Karl suggested we eat at his favorite place from around where he used to live - it was an Afghani restaurant called BAHAR... now here is where I have to pause the story and tell you two hilarious inside jokes that came out of this day. ONE - when we were walking along the promenade this guy had a huge gross sneeze, didn't shield the spray in anyway and the sun illuminated it just perfectly - so needless to say we were all grossed out. But something must have been in the air because right after that one of us (I forget who) sneezed and I said "PROMENADE" so that one cracked us up for the rest of the day LOL. TWO - as we were pulling up to the restaurant for dinner I said something about needing something so 'bahar' aka 'bad'(used in a sentence - I need to go to the bathroom so bahar ). So that set us off again :) So back to the story.. afghani food was delicious!!! I had a lamb kebab with yellow rice and this white sauce that was like a cross between tzaziki and somthing... LOL whatever it actually was the table basically polished off the whole thing.

After dinner it was pretty late and we were all getting tired so Minera dropped me off with Karl and Erik at their place - which is basically the quintessential Brooklyn apartment, seriously amazing (also down the street from Michelle Williams and Mathilda's house...NDB). Karl and Erik took me down to a little neighbourhood bar that was really cute and where The WOnderfactory had had a christmas party - the only problem was the rude service which was a shame because it didn't match the space at all. After a quick beer, they showed me how to get the subway home and my amazing day in BK had come to an end :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

..:: I'M BACK ::..

Well… I return to this blog in embarrassment for lack of dedication. Trust me I didn’t want to go into blog coma. In my last few New York weeks I was busy – I was out doing even more exploring and that was pushing this bad boy to the back burner. And then of course once I got back to KW it didn’t slow down. So now that capstone/grad is over, I can return to this blog. The sad part is I have to rely on my photos for the finer details – this was the reason I wanted to keep a blog in the first place!!!! So that I could remember every little detail that happened! But alas!

So where did I leave off?? St.Patricks Day!! I of course took this opportunity to look like a total tourist and I bought an “I ‘shamrock’ New York” t-shirt to wear to work. I, being the only college student, was razzed about wanting to party (and for wearing the shirt) LOL oh well. Since mike was still in town we had planned to go to the top of the rock, which I had been waiting to do with someone else. Mike brought his friend from the course he was taking. So the three of us had some NY pizza then headed to Rockefeller centre. It was a pretty cool building and one of the first really beautiful nights so we lingered at the top taking in the night air. The empire state building was lit up green that night (they match the lights to different occasions – it was red/white/blue for most of the Olympics).

After we were done at the top, it was only around nine so we decided to hit up some Irish pubs in and around Times Square. I had printed off a map – of course – and we made it out to four? five? pubs within a couple of blocks. It was a really cool experience considering I wasn’t going to pubs alone and I had people to party with lol. Two other things – apparently it’s the firefighters night off or something because they were in every single bar we went to in full uniform and in one of the pubs there was an Andy Bernard look alike. And I’m not talking just the sweater vest. This guy was the real deal – I wanted to get a picture so bad but I was literally right in front of him and if I had taken out my camera it would have ended up with a full-blown stage five clinger lol. Not only did he have the sweater vest in the bar but also it was paired with a pink shirt and he LOOKED like Andy Bernard and acted like him. Ohh man. (sidenote Andy Bernard is from the office look him up lol)
mike and his friend wanted to make sure they made the last subway back down to the financial district so it must have been around 12 when we wrapped up our evening and parted ways. Not a bad st. Patrick’s Day at all.

So here’s where it gets a little fuzzy… I’m pretty sure it was around this time that it was getting seriously nice out so one night after work I wanted to wander around like I did in my first couple of weeks – really make sure I saw everything. That Friday I went back into the village to get lost in the streets. Karl suggested I eat at da silvanos – apparently it’s the Ivy of NY. (aka where all the stars and paparazzi are). I of course didn’t see anyone famous when I was there but the food was delicious!!! I had spinach ricotta ravioli in a butter sauce… yummmm – oh actually I did see someone famous – I just only realized it this week though. Coming out of the restaurant as I was finishing up ( I ate on the patio) was one of the lead actors in the good wife! Not super famous but a little bit more legit than my first sighting.

I continued wandering around SOHO, found the People's Revolution building and then on my way back home I walked back past da silvanos and literally bumped into one of the chef's from that iron chef show - he was the big one with red hair. So minor celeb sighting number three.

Here's a picture from the Top of The Rock :)

This is a video of the elevator in Top of the Rock - on the way back down!

Monday, March 22, 2010

..:: un mechant mardi à New York ::..

SO last Tuesday was an incredibly exciting day for me for many reasons: a) my first visitor! Mike, who graduated from my program last year, was here taking a course for his job and knew I was here so he had suggested we meet up after our work days. b) my first NHL game! I don't know why I hadn't thought of doing this myself - so I jumped on the opportunity when Mike suggested it! c) my first NHL game at Madison Square Gardens! Apparently it's the most famous area in the world... so they claim lol d) THE MONTREAL CANADIENS WERE PLAYING THE RANGERS - I don't even need to explain this one except to say I'm disappointed I didn't have my habs jersey with me! Mike and I met up and ate at a pub called Stout and then headed over to MSG. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!! I felt a little bad for Mike because of how excited I was LOL - I had a sign and everything! (Carla took a picture before I left the office I'll have to grab it from her...) There were some hilarious Habs fans right in front of us too with shirts and masks - I was actually surprised how many habs fans there were at the stadium too. But it was great because to top it all off - THE HABS WON THE GAME! 3-1!!

Here are some pictures from the game :)

Face lift!!!

So I was reading my blog taking a trip down memory lane... I realized that it is so hard to read! As much as I loved that last background and thought it was perfectly matched to the title of the blog, I decided to go with comfort over aesthetics - hopefully this makes it easier for everyone to read!!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

..:: second last sunday ::..

Feeling refreshed from the night in, I thought I was ready to take on Sunday - again not ready to let mother nature ruin another day for me here since I have so few left! But as soon as I stepped out of my apartment, I knew my third umbrella was not going to last, although at least today I wore my jacket with a hood - definitely way too warm of a coat for the weather but again the hood made up for it.

I didn't really have a plan for the day when I left the house so I just decided to wander uptown. I walked up to Anthropologie on 50-something and decided that might be where I spend my money to get a beauty grad dress... we'll see ;) After teasing myself with beautiful dresses and summery outfits, I decided I would catch a matinee. Waiting in the TKTS line I got caught in the most ridiculous and spur of the moment down pour - totally unacceptable. It didn't really matter what I saw and at the last minute I decided on Memphis. IT WAS AMAZING - it was like a combination of Dreamgirls and Hairspray - I loved it!! And finally the stars aligned and I got a seat beside a cutie and not a weirdo LOL He was naturally totally oblivious to the fact that I was doing my best to look poised and attractive LOL

When the show got out I expected it to be dark out and that I would just walk home - but HELLO TIME CHANGE it was just as light out when I left as it was when I went in!! So obviously I couldn't just go home! So I decided to treat myself to dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe (I wanted to slip into another show...but thought that was a little raging LOL) It was naturally a delicious dinner of a burger and onion rings :) After that I just went home and sadly finished my Office marathon and can now say I am caught up to the current episodes (naturally I've moved on to SATC <3)

Here are some pictures I snapped in the HRC for my uncle who loves the Beatles.

..:: umbrella=0 mother nature=3 ::..

SO when they were calling for a stormy weekend I couldn't have imagined how stormy it would actually turn out to be!! When I woke up Saturday morning and it was raining I refused to let the weather hold me back! If I could venture out in a snow storm then why should a little rain stop me? Boy was I wrong!! It was insanity!!! Not only was it pouring rain without any signs of slowing but the WIND was crazyyy!!!! The subways were flooded, trains couldn't run into New Jersey and people were being killed by falling trees - like I said INSANITY! What I had planned was just to walk up 5th Ave. just to window shop...well duh that was a bad idea... by the time I got to the subway to go to my final destination I had dropped some SERIOUS money - basically blew my budget right out of the water...damn. Can't take money to the grave though right?!?! LOL

So after my unacceptable shopping spree and the loss of my first umbrella I made it up to Harlem to go to the Museum of the City of New York to see the Charles Addams art exhibit featuring his original Addams Family comics from the New Yorker. While the trek to get there was miserable, I'm glad I went - I really liked the Addams Family show on YTV so I appreciated learning about it's origins. On the way back to the subway was when I lost my second umbrella but kept it and struggled to keep dry with it's three broken prongs.

At my Tiffany's & Co. stop I decided to put my necklace in to get cleaned so on my way back home I had to go back and pick it up at 5. On my way back to Tiffany's I saw a girl get hit by a taxi - which is actually as scary as it sounds. I'm still a little rattled by the girl getting killed in the subway so hearing this crash didn't help. It happened pretty much in the heart of the hurricane and she was flustered and had her hood down so she could only see in front of her. So when she looked up and saw the walk sign she just went for it but I saw the cab running the red through the intersection. It happened so fast and I for sure thought one of them would see the other so I couldn't even shout out - to I looked away at the last possible second and heard the hit right beside me. It sounded like she got crushed the way her body slammed into the cab (which was a Ford Escape model). She was probably in a lot of shock because I heard her talking and peaked under my umbrella to see her still standing, rubbing her knee and I could see the side mirror on the cab folded in. I didn't linger too long because I didn't know what to do - and was moderately traumatized! So that experience only added to the day... it was also shortly after that I had to give up on my failing umbrella and take on the hurricane head on. So needless to say when I arrived back at Tiffany's I was in ROUGH shape LOL. I was in such a miserable mood I sprung for a cab home and once I got home refused to go out again even though it was only 5:30 lol. I took the BEST hot shower and just lazed around the rest of the night. I was only after the shower the excitement of all my new things finally settled in - OH and the guilt of spending so much money :S! LOL

Here is a picture I snapped on Monday on my way to work representing the umbrella carnage that was the aftermath of the hurricane... this was nothing compared to the streets littered with broken umbrellas and trash cans full of them...