Wednesday, March 10, 2010

..:: week four ::..

So this post pretty much brings you up to present day life with me - week(end) four was the weekend we just finished. Thursday night was happy hour with my co-workers and it was nice to get out and talk to some people who I hadn't in the office. We went to a place called Dusk around the corner from the office. I've decided Happy Hour is the best hour because a) drinks are seriously discounted and b) you're in bed by 10! We've had two since I've been here and it's really the only time I get out and socialize so I've clearly really enjoyed them haha.

Friday night Karl was going to the movies and invited me to go with him since I clearly wasn't busy. We decided to go for drinks and dinner before hand so Carla and David O joined us. We went to the Lower East Side and we ate at a Dominican restaurant - and the food was delicious! I tried tostones which are fried plantains and I'm obsessed - that's the one thing that I'm really enjoying here, trying all different kinds of foods. None of which are really that exciting.. it's mostly been mexican, dominican and cuban - but they've all been really good. After dinner, Carla had another party to go to and David O went home. Karl and I didn't really feel like a movie anymore so Karl suggested we go over to his friend's house and then meet up with his twin brother and some of his friends. So Karl starts telling be a little bit about his friend Vashtie - turns out she's PHARELL'S EX-GF... um ya.. so I was having a serious freakout in my head about what I was about to get myself into. I basically had the worst outfit on EVER - of course it was the day that I decided to wear a dumb outfit, one of those good for work but you should really change if you're going to be meeting someone. It was basically a boring shirt, brown pants and my converse sneakers - like C'MON! ughh so hopefully I didn't look as uncomfortable as I felt. Either way she is obviously so nice and they sat around talking about things that were WAYY cooler than I was haha After hanging out for a bit we meet up with Karl's friends and had some drinks at a bar called Keyhole. We sat and chatted for a bit and soon after parted ways. Karl told me on Monday that they ended up going to another bar and he texted me to come back but he texted my Kitchener phone not my NY phone :( All in all, despite my outfit, I had another super fun night out with my friends from work.

So this past weekend was AMAZZZZZING weather - like seriously amazing so I had made plans to do things outside all weekend. Saturday I woke up nice and early and headed down to catch the ferry over to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. I still ended up waiting about an hour in line for the ferry but it wasn't a big deal since the sun was shining. I didn't get off to walk around the island that the statue is on since apparently you can't walk up the statue and there really isn't anything too exciting to do there. So I got to Ellis Island and walked around the museum which was a lot more eerie than I thought it would be. It's not like it was a torture island or anything but just knowing that so many people had passed through the doors was weird... I tried to look up 'Hamilton' but everyone and their mother who came from Scotland had that last name so I figured I would be there for hours! I got back on the ferry after eating lunch outside at the museum and then on my way back home I wandered into Century 21 - didn't buy anything though... it's to insane in there for me it makes me too crazy to think. Saturday night I went to see "God of Carnage" starring Lucy Liu, Jeff Daniels, Dylan Baker and Janet McTeer. It was hilarious - some jokes weren't as funny because I don't have kids OBVIOUSLY but it was really cool to see Lucy Liu and Jeff Daniels acting live.

Sunday was probably my most favorite day here so far. I had planned to rent a bike and tour around Central Park. What ended up happening was a grand tour of Central Park, the Brooklyn Bridge and the whole island of Manhattan. It was the best - I saw three times as much city as I could have just walking. There is a path that winds around the island and I found it on the east side after circling Central Park one and a half times. Once I got insight of the Brooklyn Bridge I decided I might as well take the chance to ride across it. You have to cut back into the city from the bike path to get onto the bridge and on my first try I missed the bike lane and ended up on the actual road part of the bridge - oopsie... that was moderately terrifying but I managed to get back on track. I debated biking around Brooklyn but by that point my butt was really starting to get sore from the bike seat and I didn't feel like getting lost so I'll go back another time. I finished rounding the island and brought the bike back to the store on the west side at around 4:30... I picked up the bike at 10:30. Again, other than the painful bike seat, it was the best day.