Wednesday, March 10, 2010

..:: week three ::..

I forgot that once you start a blog you have to make sure you post kind of frequently.. so apologies for slacking on the posts. But today is your lucky day because hopefully I can get out an update for the last two weekends! They've been my busiest ones yet so hopefully you'll enjoy reading about them.

SO... the 26th was a snow day here. A bunch of trains weren't running in from the 'Boroughs -- the office wasn't closed but a lot of people commute in so there wouldn't have been much going on here. So I enjoyed the extra couple hours of sleep (because I had obviously been up way to late watching The Office). I didn't really have a plan for the day so I figured I would just get out and enjoy the snowy weather (how Canadian of me...). I ended up wandering to Grand Central Station. The pictures I took really don't do it justice - the place is HUGE. My favorite part obviously was the mural on the ceiling of the main concourse of the night sky with constellations and everything. My picture of it turned out basically black though... I also went to the little travel booth to ask about what I could do that wasn't touristy - I wanted to start doing things that you wouldn't normally have time for on just a regular trip. The guy told me to pick up Time Out New York - so I did and then grabbed some lunch in the food court in Grand Central. This little magazine turned out to be the best little investment and I've bought a new one every week since then. So after GC, I decided to walk over to the UN Headquarters. I was going to go in but I wasn't really dressed how I wanted to be (I was just in tights and boots) so I wandered around the outside a bit, took some pics and continued on. I walked down into Gramercy Park area for a bit then back home for dinner. The activity for Friday night that I picked from the magazine was going to a comedy show - something I had never done before. Now... call me naive but I thought maybe this would be an ok place to go alone --well I found out that it just might be the most coupley activity to do ever. I went to Gotham Comedy Club and saw Mark Curry perform from "Hangin with Mr. Cooper". Despite being alone I had a really fun night and decided I need to see more live stand-up.

Saturday night I decided to go to the New York City Ballet. Again, something I had never done before and thought it was part of the NY experience. The performance was called Jewels and it was three acts representing three different gems - Emeralds, Rubies and Diamonds. I may or may not have fallen asleep during Emeralds for a moment.... Rubies was definitely my favorite act (are they called 'acts' in ballet?).

Sunday I planned to go to the American Museum of Natural History - again thanks to the planning of the Time Out magazine. They had an ad for the planetarium show (narrated by Whoopi) so I was clearly all over it. I walked up to the Museum and had a great day. Again the pictures I took can't really do the scale of the rooms any justice. The star show was INCREDIBLE - I think I sat with my mouth hanging open for the entire show. I walked through most of the Museum and again clearly my favorite part of the space and earth sections. Now Sunday was also the day of the gold medal game - so I had it alllll planned out in my head, I would go to the museum in the afternoon then I would catch the game at 7 because that's just what time I thought all hockey games started at... well DUH it's the last day of the Olympics so I'm sitting in the atrium in the museum just chilling for a bit since I had been walking for hours and I over hear a lady on her phone talking about the game and the score and how much time is left. So it's like 4:45 at this point so I jumped up, threw my coat on and practically was running down the street to find somewhere to watch the game. I was in the Upper West Side so I thought my chances of finding a little pub were pretty slim... and I was right so I ended up watching the last period and the gold medal goal in a Japanese restaurant LOL. All I wanted to do was run around in the streets cheering and causing a ruckus butttttt it was not the time or place :( But I did enjoy flaunting the win at work the next day - I wore my Canada t-shirt I got for Christmas and I laid out my red mittens on my desk.