Wednesday, March 3, 2010

..:: week one ::..

(so I actually had started a post on the second day here and then never got back to it... so here it is)

Well I’ve made it! I’m obviously writing this post from a Starbucks right around the corner from my house at 33rd and 5th – which is right beside the Empire State Building. I hope I never get used to the constant honking and yelling that happens on the street below my apartment – it really is the city that never sleeps…or is that Vegas? Either way it seems like there’s 24 hour everything. Oh and a Starbucks on every corner… BUT NO LACTOSE FREE MILK!! What a gigantic disappointment…I don’t think I can go 6 weeks on straight americanos and tea… I’ll just save the lattes for the weekend I guess…

So I meant to get a real first day post in last night but exploring won the first night honours. Soooo yesterday we got a little bit of a late start leaving but we were on our way by nine. Line for the border was long but thankfully I had a bunch of trashy magazines to read (allow me to nerd out for a minute when I say I could actually hardly read the little captions for all the photos…talk about BSing to just have something to say LOL). Anyways…we put up to the security booth – we scored a cutie – he started asking us the general questions, then I got to pipe up and tell him it was an internship and he asked if I had any papers. Of course I did lol. I handed them over, he glanced through them then called over his buddy from the other booth. They proceeded to chat about something not even relevant to us for about 5 minutes then turns to me asks if I have anything other than my personal belongings – I say no – and he tells us to have a nice day…no searching, no tearing apart my packing NOTHING just have a nice day. YESSSSS!

So we proceed on our way, eat lunch in the real Scranton, PA (for all you office fans!) and finally at around 7pm we see the lights to the city. We entered through the Lincoln Tunnel and I obviously had jay-z and Alicia keys welcoming me to the empire state ;) oh haha my dad went through the ez-pass line at the tunnel but obviously doesn’t have an ez-pass so we just snuck into NY without paying -awesome. So I’m on the 4th floor of my building and lasted one trip of stuff up and down the stairs until I didn’t feel bad about taking the elevator. LOL – the apartment is pretty small but I have a good sized room and a SUPER comfortable bed ☺ my housemate seems nice and I have to remember that she actually doesn’t care when come or go and that I don’t have to tell her what I’m doing everytime I do it hahaha…

(original post ends - new post begins)

Sunday I went for a nice long walk, got very lost around Chinatown - where apparently it was the Chinese New Year celebration - and I ended up in the Financial District. I took refuge in a Starbucks to get my bearings and figured since I was so close to Wall Street and Battery Park I could knock them off the list of things to see.

My first night alone in NYC was also Valentine's Day - so what a better way to spend the most romantic day than at the Empire State Building. HA. It wasn't that bad though... I waited in line for about an hour and only stayed for about 20 minutes (there isn't much to do alone once you've seen the skyline... LOL) It was beautiful. I'm hoping to go up during the day as well.

Monday was President's Day here so it allowed me to do some more sightseeing. I decided to tackle Central Park. The weekend was beautiful - really the perfect day for a stroll in the park. Watching all the bikers was depressing because I don't have my bike with me (although this weekend it's going up to like 52 degrees - aka 9 degrees C - so I'm going to rent a bike on Sunday). No celebrity sightings to report yet... After walking around for about four hours, I decided I wanted to take in my first Broadway show so I stood in the TKTS line in TImes Square for discounted Chicago tickets. The show was great and Michelle WIlliams (from Destiny's Child fame) played the part of Roxy Hart.

So on my first day I didn't have to go until 1145 for lunch - I was clearly ready at 11 so I hovered around the entrance to the office building and then decided just to walk around the neighbourhood. There's a CVS at 25th and 6th which was good so I was able to buy a gift bag and tissue paper for the gifts I bought Joe and Carla. It was Olympics time so I brought them an HBC scarf (Joe) and mittens (Carla) along with some Smarties. I decided about half way to work that my skirt may have been a little too short for a first impression but continued on. So up the elevator into the closet and I get to pull the orange tassle to open the secret door - and I'm in. It's exactly what it looks like on the website and Karl the fabulous receptionist greets me and we chat for a bit. Finally meeting the "email addresses" that made this internship possible was the best part about the first day. I have my own desk and computer (a Mac obvs). Skip ahead the details of the rest of the work week to Friday when Karl and Carla and the finance guy David O invited me out for drinks/dinner - we went to ....ugh mind blank... Anyways it was really fun and it was the first chance to chat outside of the office. After Karl and David O went home, Carla invited me to meet up with her BF and his work friends uptown. We went to a couple of bars and then called it a night. It was very cool to be out on my first NY night.